Estate Planning and Asset Protection in Florida: A Plan to Survive Unexpected Financial Threats
by Barry A. Nelson
Barry Nelson is an industry-respected, board-certified attorney with decades of experience counselling high-net-worth clients. In this useful resource for both professionals and clients alike, he reveals the serious implications of ignoring the potential liabilities that can threaten a client's assets.
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Chapter List
Estate Planning and Asset Protection in Florida: A Plan to Survive Unexpected Financial Threats by Barry A. Nelson
Chapter 1: Introduction to Asset Protection and Estate Planning
Chapter 2: Florida Homestead - Securing the Homestead Exemption for Asset Protection
2-1 Introduction
2-2 Homestead - A Hornet’s Nest
2-3 Constitutional Protection From Forced Sale
2-4 Purpose of the Exemption
2-5 General Discussion Florida State Law vs. Bankruptcy Court Law
2-6 Residency Requirement for Homestead Status
2-7 Acquisition of Homestead Using Non-Exempt Funds with Intent to Hinder, Delay, or Defraud a Creditor
2-8 Prohibiting Fraud and Egregious Conduct
2-9 How Do You Establish a Florida Residence as Homestead? Florida Law and Bankruptcy Law
2-10 What Constitutes Acquisition of Homestead During 1,215-Day Period Under BAPCA?
2-11 Effect of Florida Statute § 222.25 on the Homestead Exemption
2-12 Ownership Requirement
2-13 Acreage Limitation for Homestead Status
2-14 When Does a Home Under Construction or an Adjoining Lot Become Protected as Homestead?
2-15 Conversion of Exempt Assets Into Homestead
2-16 Other Homestead Issues – Asset Protection
2-17 Homestead Must Be In Florida/Protection Applies to Claims of Municipalities
2-18 Boats and Mobile Homes – Florida State Court and Bankruptcy Court
2-19 Tax Liens and Federal Preemption Statutes with Homestead
Chapter 3: Florida Homestead - Loss of Homestead Status by Abandonment, Sale, Criminal Acts, Inter Vivos Transfers, and Death
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Abandoning Homestead
3-3 Proceeds from Sale of Homestead
3-4 Effect of Criminal Act, Intentional Tort, or Certain Willful or Reckless Misconduct in Bankruptcy
3-5 Inter Vivos Transfers Resulting in Loss of Homestead Protection
3-6 Status of Homestead Upon Death
3-7 Safest Practice Where No Spouse or Minor Children
Chapter 4: Florida Homestead - Property Tax
4-1 Introduction
4-2 Exemptions and Save Our Homes Benefits - General
4-3 S Corporation Not Entitled to Homestead Property Exemption
4-4 Qualified Personal Residence Trust (“QPRT”) Qualifies for Homestead Property Tax Exemption
4-5 Must Receive Homestead Exemption Before Receiving Benefit of Save Our Homes Cap
Chapter 5: Florida Homestead - Limitations on Ability to Devise
5-1 Introduction
5-2 Constitutional Limits on Devise of Homestead
5-3 Who Receives Homestead if No Specific Devise and No Spouse or Minor Children?
5-4 Restrictions on the Mortgaging of Homestead
5-5 Inter Vivos Transfer of Homestead to Avoid Outright Distribution of Homestead
5-6 Personal Representative Not Authorized to Sell Homestead Property
5-7 Homestead Rights Exist in Absence of a Court Order
5-8 Co-Ops and Confusion
5-9 Direction to Pay Debts from Homestead
5-10 Planning
Chapter 6: Miscellaneous State Exemptions
6-1 Introduction/Statutory Protections for Florida Residents
6-2 Wages
6-3 Life Insurance
6-4 Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance Policies and Proceeds from Annuity Contracts
6-5 Disability Benefits
6-6 Workers Compensation
6-7 Proceeds from Pension and Profit Sharing Plans, Traditional and Inherited IRAs
6-8 Qualified State Tuition Programs
6-9 Medical Savings Accounts
6-10 Hurricane Savings Accounts
Chapter 7: Transfer to Spouses
7-1 Introduction
7-2 Benefits of Transfers of Property to Debtor’s Spouse
7-3 Outright Transfers
7-4 Transfers in Trust
7-5 Disclaimers
7-6 Co-Ownership with Spouse: Tenancy By The Entirety
7-7 Joint Debts
7-8 Existing Liens
7-9 Planning Where One Co-Holder of Tenants By The Entirety Property Becomes Subject to a Judgment or May Be Subject to a Judgment
7-10 Attacks on Tenants By The Entirety Protection
Chapter 8: Use of Inter Vivos QTIP Trusts and SLATs to Enhance Estate and Asset Protection Planning
8-1 Introduction
8-2 Benefits of QTIP Trusts
8-3 Planning Using Inter Vivos QTIP Trusts
8-4 Portability
8-5 The Relation Back Doctrine Must Be Considered
8-6 Blended Family Asset Protection and Estate Planning with Inter Vivos QTIP Trusts
8-7 Can a SLAT Provide Better Overall Results?
8-8 Inter Vivos QTIP Trusts for Those with Reduced Life Expectancy for Income Tax Step Up and Asset Protection
8-9 Benefits of SuperchargingSM an Inter Vivos QTIP Trust or SLAT
8-11 Taxation of Inter Vivos QTIP Trusts and SLATs Upon Dissolution of Marriage
Chapter 9: Use of Partnerships and LLCs
9-1 Introduction
9-2 Important Terms
9-3 Why Corporations Are Not a Good Asset Protection Alternative as Compared to Partnerships and Multi-Member LLCs
9-4 Limited Partnerships and Multi-Member LLCs – General
9-5 Partnerships
9-6 LLCs
9-7 A Primer on Federal Estate and Gift Tax Valuation Issues for Partnerships and LLCs
Chapter 10: Domestic Asset Protection Trusts: Planning and Pitfalls
10-1 Domestic Trusts
10-2 Domestic Self-Settled Asset Protection Trust Legislation Adopted in Seventeen States
10-3 Planning: Mortenson and Huber Provide Examples of How Better Planning Could Have Better Results
10-4 Uniform Voidable Transfers Act And Potential Limits on DAPTs
10-5 Are DAPTs Safe for Florida Residents Under Current Law
Chapter 11: Offshore Asset Protection Planning – Still the Ultimate? By Alexander A. Bove, Jr., Esq.
11-1 Introduction
11-2 Don’t Pack Your Bags Just Yet
11-3 The Peace of Mind Offshore Trust
11-4 Contempt of Court: Will You Get to Pass “Go?”
11-5 The Offshore Trust vs. The IRS
11-6 Choosing a Jurisdiction
11-7 More on Time Limits to Sue
11-8 Is a Trust the Only Choice?
11-9 How Easy Is It to Access Funds?
11-10 Reporting Requirements
11-11 Conclusion
Chapter 12: Third Party Created Discretionary and Spendthrift Trusts & Bacardi
12-1 Introduction
12-2 Distinction Between “Spendthrift Trusts” and “Discretionary Trusts”
12-3 Florida Law Before Trust Code Change in 2006
12-4 2006 Trust Code Changes as to Third Party Created Trusts: Florida Statute §§ 736.0502, 736.0504, and 736.0505(3)
12-5 Meaning of “Cannot Reach or Otherwise Attach”
12-6 It Is Safer to Create a Discretionary Trust in a State Other Than Florida That Clearly Addresses Exception Creditors
12-7 Other State Statutes
12-8 Should Clients be Informed?
12-9 Can a Trust Be Moved or Decanted to Enhance Asset Protection?
12-10 Can a Trustee Be Authorized to Terminate a Beneficiary’s Interest and Convert it to a Wholly Discretionary Spendthrift Trust?
12-11 Florida Bar Action
12-12 Drafting Option Under Florida Law
12-13 Where Does Trust Belong? Best Options for Florida Residents
Chapter 13: Asset Protection Planning for Athletes, Entertainers, Lottery Winners, and Other Instantly Wealthy
13-1 Introduction
13-2 Athletes and Entertainers
13-3 Lottery Winners
13-4 Vicarious Liability (i.e., Caution Before You Loan Your Motor Vehicle or Sign Your Minor Child’s Application to Obtain a Driver’s License!)
Chapter 14: Planning for Same-Sex Couples
Chapter 15: Financial Elder Exploitation
15-1 Introduction
15-2 What is Financial Elder Exploitation?
15-3 Difficulties When Attorneys Try To Be Proactive
15-4 Florida Law
15-5 Planning
15-6 Possible Drafting Solutions
Chapter 16: Ethical Considerations in Advising Clients on Asset Protection Techniques
16-1 Introduction
16-2 What are the General Requirements for an Effective Asset Protection Plan?
16-3 Is Asset Protection Ethical?
16-4 Disciplinary Action and Malpractice
16-5 Crime-Fraud Exception
16-6 Potential Liability as an Attorney
16-7 Client Selection and Rejection
Appendix I: The Pyramid of Protection Techniques
Appendix II: Homestead Exhibits
Appendix III: Florida Statute Chapter 222
Appendix IV: Florida Statutes (Other)
Appendix V: Florida Constitution
Appendix VI: Bankruptcy Code § 522(d)(10)(C)
Appendix VII: I.R.C. Code § 2523(f)
Appendix VIII: Dennis and Debbie Examples
Appendix IX: Proposed Structures of Partnerships & LLCs
Appendix X: Tenancy by the Entireties Statutes by State
Appendix XI: Florida Lottery
Appendix XII: Memoranda and Affidavits
Appendix XIII: White Papers
Appendix XIV: LLC/Limited Partnership Exhibits
Appendix XV: Other Exhibits