Links & Resources
Financial Resources
These sites above provide valuable information with regard to 529 Plans. Pay particular attention to whether the 529 Plan you invest in provides protection from creditors. At present, several states including Florida, specifically state in their statutes that the 529 Plans are protected. If you have any questions regarding 529 Plans or would like our assistance in advising whether a particular states 529 Plan is protected from creditors, please contact us.​
AFR (Applicable Federal Rates) Current & Historical Rates
Cardtrak.com Find credit cards with lowest interest rates & best benefits.
IRS - How to Get a Transcript or Copy of a Prior Year Tax Return
IRS Revenue Rulings list by Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Savings Bond Calculator (Treasury Direct) Tools to manage your savings bonds.
Business Resources
Libor Rates Find interest rates.
SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) Non-profit dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of small businesses.
Estate Planning Resources
American Bar Association (ABA) - Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Section
The Financial Valuation Group Business valuation consulting & litigation firm.
Selectquote.com Compare rates and find best term life insurance policies.
United for a Fair Economy - Responsible Wealth. National network of businesspeople, investors and affluent Americans working for widespread prosperity. Primary areas are tax fairness, corporate responsibility and living wages.
Firm Favorites
IRS List of Charities Eligible to Receive Tax-Deductible Charitable Donations
Planned Giving Design Center (PGDC) Helps charitable organizations create strategic alliances with philanthropic sources.
Zaba Search Provides the accurate and affordable people search and background check services.
Florida Legal Resources
Property Appraiser Offices: Broward | Miami-Dade | Monroe | Palm Beach | Orange | Pinellas
Public Record Search: Broward | Miami-Dade
Recording Fee & Documentary Tax Calculator: Broward | Miami-Dade
Tax Law Library (State of Florida Dept. of Revenue)
General Legal Resources
Law.com (Legal News & Information)
Lawyers.com (Martindale-Hubbell)
StateLawyers.com attorney directory searches US lawyers by name, location or practice area
Supreme Court Decisions (LII - Legal Information Institute - Cornell)
Government Resources
CPI Index (Consumer Price Index) for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
U.S. Code (House of Representatives)
U.S. Code (Cornell)
Legal Education & Research
Legal Information Institute (LII) (Cornell Law School)
Versus Law (Case law from 50 states, Federal appellate courts & Supreme Court)